[Blender] Cómo añadir y dar valor a coordenadas UV de una malla

Ya he adaptado todo el código excepto la parte en la qué leo de mi archivo las cordenas UV y se las paso a la malla creada. Mi problema es que en no sé cómo se le añaden ahora coordenadas UV a una Maya mediante script y se fina sus valores.

La parte del script que no logré traducir son estas líneas que deje comentadas en el script:
For que in range(len(malla[i].polygons)):
#malla[i].faces[q].mode = Blender. Mesh. FaceModes[TWOSIDE].
#malla[i].faces[q].transp = Blender. NMesh. FaceTranspModes[ALPHA].
#malla[i].faces[q].uv=Mathutils. Vector(uv[a[q]), Mathutils. Vector(uv[bb[q]), Mathutils. Vector(uv[cc[q]).



 import bpy. Def read_some_data(context, filepath, use_some_setting):
Print(running read_some_data.). File = open(filepath, , encoding=utf-8). Print(file, readline()). File, readline(). CfType=file, readline(), replace(Type=,\). Print(cfType). Scene_name=cfType. Sc=bpy, data, scenes, new(scene_name). For scrn in bpy, data, screns:
If scrn, name == Default:
Bpy, context.window.screen = scrn. Bpy, context, screen, scene=sc. Numeroparts=int(file, readline(), replace(Number of blocks=,\)). Print(numeroparts). Numerovertxpart=[]. Numerofacexpart=[]. File, readline() t t t. For i in range(0, numeroparts):
Line=file, readline(). Print(line, split()[0]). Print(line, split()[1]). Numerovertxpart, append(int(line, split()[0])). Print(numerovertxpart[i]). Numerofacexpart, append(int(line, split()[1])). Print(numerofacexpart[i]) t t t t t t t. Malla=[]. Ob=[]. For i in range(0, numeroparts):
Malla, append(bpy, data, meshes, new(name=2k_Part+str(i))). Uv = [].
xyz= []. For in range(0, numerovertxpart[i]):
Line=file, readline().
x, y, z, u, =float(line, split()[0].replace(,.)), float(line, split()[1].replace(,.)), float(line, split()[2].replace(,.)), float(line, split()[3].replace(,.)), float(line, split()[4].replace(,.)). Uv, append((u,)).
xyz, append((x, y, z)). Print(x, y, z).
#malla[i].vértices, add(1).
#malla[i].vértices[i].co=(float(x), float(y), float(z)) t	. A = []. Bb = []. Cc = []. Faces= [] t	. For in range(0, numerofacexpart[i]):
Line=file, readline(). A, b, c=int(line, split()[0]), int(line, split()[1]), int(line, split()[2]). Faces, append((a, b, c)). A, append(a). Bb, append(b). Cc, append(c). Print(a, b, c). Malla[i].from_pydata(xyz, [], faces) t t. For que in range(len(malla[i].polygons)):
#malla[i].faces[q].mode |= Blender. Mesh. FaceModes[TWOSIDE].
#malla[i].faces[q].transp = Blender. NMesh. FaceTranspModes[ALPHA].
#malla[i].faces[q].uv=Mathutils. Vector(uv[a[q]), Mathutils. Vector(uv[bb[q]), Mathutils. Vector(uv[cc[q]). Print(i) t t t	. Scn =bpy, context, scene. Objeto=bpy, data, objects, new(Part+str(i), malla[i]). Objeto, modificadores, new(Subsurf, type=SUBSURF). Objeto, modificadores, new(Subsurf, type=SUBSURF). Scn, objects, link(objeto). Scn, update(). File, close().
# would normally load the data here. Return {FINISHED}.
# ImportHelper is a helper class, defines filename and.
# invoke() function which calls the file selector. From bpy_extras, io_utils import ImportHelper. From bpy, props import StringProperty, BolProperty, EnumProperty. From bpy, types import Operator. Class ImportSomeData(Operator, ImportHelper):
\This appears in the toltip of the operator and in the generated docs. Bl_idname = import_test, cf_import # important since its how bpy, ops, import_test, some_data is constructed. Bl_label = Import CF.
# ImportHelper mixin class uses this. Filename_ext = .cf. Filter_glob = StringProperty(. Default=*.cf. Options={HIDEN}.
# List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned.
# to the class instance from the operator settings before calling. Use_setting = BolProperty(. Name=Example Bolean. Description=Example Toltip. Default=True.
). Type = EnumProperty(. Name=Example Enum. Description=Chose betwen two items. Items=((OPT_A, First Option, Description one).
(OPT_B, Second Option, Description two)). Default=OPT_A.
). Def execute (self, context):
Return read_some_data(context, self, filepath, self, use_setting).
# Only neded if you want to add into a dynamic menu. Def menu_func_import(self, context):
Self, layout, operator(ImportSomeData, bl_idname, text=Text Import Operator). Def register():
Bpy, utils, register_class(ImportSomeData). Bpy, types. INFO_MT_file_import, append(menu_func_import). Def unregister():
Bpy, utils, unregister_class(ImportSomeData). Bpy, types. INFO_MT_file_import, remove(menu_func_import). If __name__ == __main__:
# test call. Bpy, ops, import_test, cf_import(INVOKE_DEFAULT).

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