Cinema 4d se actualiza a la versión 9 1

Y otra mejoritas más para el Cinema 4D. Su página Cinema 4D r9.1 – New features.

Updated plugin for After Effects 6.5.

Fbx import / export supports N-Gons.

Vrml import / export supports N-Gons.
Wavefront import / export supports N-Gons.
3ds export can now handle discontinous points todo generate UVS.

Allplan 2005 xml export.

Apple motion export.

LightWave importer now fully supports N-Gons (additionally it reproduzcas the LightWave hole Bridges by real holes (lw does not support holes in N-Gons).

Spacemouse plugin improvement.
3 new Camera rotation modes (via preset or modifier keys).

New Hud active options always, object, parent, child, chain.

Hud caché (faster n-Gon and Edge información).

Date / time display in Hud (read only).

Latitude / longitude display in Hud (read only).

Software selection preview and restrict option, software selection a los available in move, scale and rotate modes.

Extended colordefinitions in preferencias (n-Gon lines, front/bak facing tinting, software preview, Hypernurbs weights).

Command select visible only can have a shortcut assigned (in the command manager).

Rotation circle can be scaled in viewport settings.
Windows only: better unicode support for all text display.

Snaptol popup (key: p).

Object axis always shown when in axis mode.

Nulls have additional display type sphere.

Noise selection popup.

Active scripting ids in menuresources and layouts.

Enhanced syntax coloring for c. O. F. F. E. E connect supports normals-tag.

The following tools scale with the object size: bevel, extrude, Matrix extrude, Smooth shift, normal move.

New Hypernurbs algorithm: Catmull Clark (N-Gons).

Merged all 3 diferent Hypernurbs types in one object remove/retriangulate N-Gons now supports polygon selections.

N-Gon option in untriangulate.

N-Gon support for optimize.

Delete at quads option in prefs dialog for pre-r9 behaviour when deleting Polygons.

N-Gon option in close polygon hole.

N-Gon option in add point.

N-Gon option in Cap generation of extrudenurbs, swepnurbs, lathenurbs.

Knife tool: improved hole management After a Cut.

Knife tool: support for cutting th rouge / into holes.

Tweak mode now a los available in the following tools: add point, close polygon hole, create polygon, Iron, slide.

Isoline editing now a los supported in the following tools: close polygon hole, Stitch and Sew, bridge, loop selection, ring selection, fill selection, outline selection.

New visible / invisible options for weld, Stitch and Sew.
Weld includes point collapses with shift- And control-modifier.

Improved handling when welding points within the same n-Gon.

Option todo toggle preview in magnet and brush modes.

Multi-draw Spline option in preferencias / document todo draw múltiple FreeHand Splines without re-selecting the tool.

Instance object is now created in the same position as the original.

Replace/paste-options in preferencias/document todo define todo replace-/paste-position in the Hierarchy.
3 new Noises: fire, electric, gasous.

GI tree balancing – faster rendering for complex GI scenes.

New subpolydisplacement option map resulting geometry for clean projection of displaced surfaces.

New c. O. F. F. E. E, routines getsnaptol, specialeventadd, alloctag, allocvariabletag, allocmaterial, allocshader, allocobject, getactivebasedraw, getrenderbasedraw, getbasedraw, callcommand, getcommandname, iscommandenabled, getactiveobject, getactivematerial, eventadd, getactive.

Enhanced syntax coloring (functions, clases, members, contants).

Enhanced c. O. F. F. E. E, syntax with # – Operator.

Cofe command line tool.

Drag&drop of atribute manager values in the command line.

Cofe now uses exactly the same integer constants like the C++ SDK.

Copy, paste, select all in all c. O. F. F. E. E, editfields.

String.xgr updated.

Strongly enhanced SDK in various areas.

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