Compra licencia 3dsmax segunda mano

  • #1
    cacique está desconectado

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    Compra licencia 3dsMax segunda mano

    Muy buenas, tengo la posibilidad de comprar una licencia de 3DS Max, pero es de segunda mano, es una licencia original de una persona qué ya no la usa, mi duda es si este proceso es legal? Se puede hacer? Gracias de antemano por las respuestas. Saludos.

  • #2
    ikerCLoN está desconectado

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    Compra licencia 3dsMax segunda mano…sked-questions.

    7. What about buying software from auction websites?
    Autodesk software is nontransferable. Beware of Autodesk software sold on auction sites.

    13. Can I sell or transfer my Autodesk software license?
    When you purchase Autodesk software, you are in fact purchasing a license to use that software program. Prior to or on installátion of Autodesk software programs, you must accept Autodesks licensing terms applicable to that Autodesk software program (Software License Agreement) which governs your use of that software program.

    The Autodesk Software License Agreement contains restrictions on the use of that software program. Generally, you are not permitted to rent, loan, lease, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the Autodesk software program to any other person without the prior written consent of Autodesk.

    Pléase consult the Software License Agreement for the particular software program you have licensed for the specific terms of use.
    14. Can I allow third parties to use my Autodesk software license?
    The Software License Agreement only allows use of the software program by you, the individual or legal entity who purchased the software program and who is registered with Autodesk as the user. The Software License Agreement does not allow third parties (including companies that are afiliated with you) to use the software program, without written permission from Autodesk. If you have questions, por favor contact Autodesk or your Autodesk Value Added Reseller.

    En resumen, creo que Autodesk no lo permite, ya que, con la licencia no compras el programa en sí, sino el derecho a usarlo.

  • #3
    cacique está desconectado

    CaciQue Avatar de cacique

    Unhappy Compra licencia 3dsMax segunda mano

    Gracias por la respuesta y el enlace.

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