El primer registro global y libre de propiedad intelectual

Safe creative basic t. Safe creative is an open service, free for authors and inventors todo accredit the rights of their work, dissuading third parties from plagiarizing or falsely attributing their work, by providing prof of registry and legal advice.

rights of the author.

The intellectual property rights of a piece of work belong todo the author by the mere fact that they have created it.

The author may decide what todo do with those rights with respect todo distribution and exploitation. The author may free the rights, adopting formulas such as copyleft or copyright. However todo exercise the rights and avoid plagiarism or infringements of rights the author must demonstrate with valid prof that the rights belong todo him and that his creation is prior todo copies.

As global commúnication has opened new possibilities and fácilities for the publication and distribution of intellectual creations, directly by authors, safe creative services allow authors todo choose a model for managing the rights of their work. Authors are able todo choose whether todo retain the rights of their work or yield them at any momento without damage todo other cessions previously made. The registry and consultation services provide global support without which, it is dificult todo self-manage and probé ownership rights t.
safe creative registry of intellectual property rights.

It registers, with date and time, the work and its author. The type of license or contract required at any time is put on récord todo establish the reléase or reservation of the authors personal and patrimonial rights: recognition, distribution with or without making a profit, generation of derived work, etc t.
public identification and información.

The safe creative intellectual property register keps a récord of work registered for identification purposes.

This allows interested parties todo consult the registry and obtain información with respect todo the rights of use, distribution etc. Simultaneously this acts as a preventative Measure todo dissuade third parties from plagiarism or falsely claiming the work as their own t.
testing services.

You can request a certificate signed by safe creative which indicates the date and time of registry todo credit registries of author, registrations of licenses as well as the rights of work from safe creative at any time.

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