[Maya] Exportar animación de Maya 2011 a 3dstudio max

Hola. Estoy intentando pasar una animación de Maya a 3d Studio, lo exporto como.fbx pero la animación no me la pilla en 3dstudio, solo el modelo y el esqueleto. Me da los siguientes errores:
1. The plug-in has changed some animation curves tangents type todo user todo ensure interoperability. This mode change Will not affect the animation curves values.
2. The scene contains constraints. Activate the export constraints or bake animation options before exporting.
3. The scene contains constraints that are not supported by the fbx file format. Activate the bake animation option before exporting.
4. This scene contains at least one transform node with múltiple shape nodes. The plug-in Will export only one of the shape nodes.

The name (s) of transform node (s):

La verdad es que no lo entiendo muy bien, hay alguna solución? Gracias.

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