[Maya] Plugin de la película de matrix y X-Men stroika 4

Hola el caso es que me bajé la versión de prueba del plugin de la película de matrix y X-Men Stroika 4.0 de la página del autor que además tiene tutoriales en youtube, pero no sé cómo instalar el plugin es para Maya y se descarga el plugin y un archivo aparte que es la licencia.
(imagen de la carpeta qué se descarga).


El plugin se puede descagar de aquí yo tengo Maya 2014).

El archivo stroika pdf son las isntrucciones para instalarlo, pero no se entienden miren :

Nodelocked Licensing.

Node Loocked License.

A node locked license refers to a license that is keyed to only run on a specific machine.

If you purchased a node locked license, the license file should look like this :
FEATURE stroika kolektiv 3.0 permanent uncounted 870A715B2107 \.


The HOSTID number is the unique identifier of the ethernet card in your machine as returned by the command :
Windows NT/2k/XP.

C:\>ipconfig /all.

Ethernet adapter Local Área Connection 2:
Physical Address. : 00-C0-F0-78-D8-81.
*The hyphens in the Physical address must be removed.
© 2005 Kolektiv Development Inc.

Stroika 3.0.

Linux / OS X.
/usr/aw/COM/bin/lmutil lmhostid.

Lmutil – Copyright (C) 1989-1999 Globetrotter Software.

The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is 00c0f078d921.

License Location.

The license file that you receive can be renamed to anything you like as long as it has .lic as the extensión. The location of the license depends on your operating system.
Windows NT/2k/XP.

The license file that you received from the kolektiv must be placed in C:\flexlm on a Windows systems. If this directory does not exist, create it and put the license file inside.

Linux / OSX.

The license file that you received from the kolektiv should be placed in /var/flexlm on Linux and OSX systems. If this directory does not exist, create it and put the license file inside.

Floating Licensing.

Floating licenses allow a server to issue licenses to clients. Any machine can be a license server, but the license file must be encrypted for that specific server. Any client can request licenses from a server, regardless of what operating system they are using.

Client Side License Files.
When using a floating license server, each client must have a license file that points to the server and ends with a .lic extensión. The license file should look like this :
SERVER 0 27000.


The ip address or name of the server can be specified and the port number must be specified as well. In the above example, the servers ip address is used and the server is listening to port 27000. 3.
© 2005 Kolektiv Development Inc.

Stroika 3.0.

License Location.

Client License Location.

The client license file that you create can be renamed to anything you like as long as it has .lic as the extensión. The location of the license depends on your operating system.

Server License Location.

The server license file that you create must be named kolektiv_server, lic for the startup scripts to work. The location of the license depends on your operating system.
Windows NT/2k/XP.

The license file that you received from the kolektiv must be placed in C:\flexlm on a Windows systems. If this directory does not exist, create it and put the license file inside.

Linux / OSX.

The license file that you received from the kolektiv should be placed in /var/flexlm on Linux and OSX systems. If this directory does not exist, create it and put the license file inside.

Floating License Server Windows XP.

To set options and start the license server.
1. Select Start > Programs > Alias > Common Utilities > FlexLM License Utilities.
2. In the LMTOLS window, click the Service/License File tab and select the Configuration using Services option.
3. Click the Configure Services tab.
4. Change the Service Name to FLEXlm Kolektiv.
5. Turn on Use Services.
6. Turn on Start Server at Power Up.
7. Chek that the values shown are correct:
A. Path to the lmgrd, exe file is C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\preguntaShared\Licensing\etc\lmg rd, exe.

B. Path to the license file is: C:\FLEXLM\kolektiv_server, lic, where servername is the 4.
© 2005 Kolektiv Development Inc.

Stroika 3.0.

Name of the license server machine.
8. Copy the kolektiv vendor daemon.

Stroika\plugins\licenseServer\kolektiv, exe to C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\preguntaShared\Licensing\etc\.
9. Click Save Service.
10. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click Start Server.

To confirm the license server operación (Windows).
1. Click the Server Status tab.
2. Click Perform Status Enquiry.

If the license server is up, the window displays:
<servername>:license server UP(MASTER).
where servername is the license server computer name.
3. Close LMTOLS.

Floating License Server Linux.

To set options and start the license server on Linux.
1. Log in as rot if you have not done so.
2. Copy the license file into /var/flexlm.
3. Copy the init daeomon stroika/licensing/linux/bin/kolektiv_flexlm into /etc/rc, d/init, d.
4. Copy the kolektiv vendor daemon stroika/licensing/osx/etc/kolektiv into /usr/etc.
5. Stop then start the lmgrd daemon by entering the following commands:
/etc/rc, d/init, d/aw_flexlm estop.
/etc/rc, d/init, d/aw_flexlm start.
oIf the server was on previously, the command issues some status información. An example of this status información is:
Lmdown – Copyright (C) 1989-2004 Macrovisión Corporation. All rights reserved.

Shut down FLEXlm server on node servername 1 FLEXlm License Server shut down.
oIf the server is already of, the command issues an error message similar to: 5.
© 2005 Kolektiv Development Inc.

Stroika 3.0.

Lmdown – Copyright (C)2004 Macrovisión Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connection to servername failed: Cannot connect to license server(-15,12:146) Connection refused.
where servername is the name of the server machine. You can ignore this error message.
oIf the server starts successfully, the status message should look similar to this:
License file = /var/flexlm/aw_servername, dat.

FLEXlm Licensing daemon for Alias software: /usr/etc/lmgrd.
4. Log out of rot.

Floating License Server OSX.

To set options and start the license server on OSX.
1. Copy the license file into /var/flexlm.
2. Copy the kolektiv vendor daemon stroika/licensing/osx/etc/kolektiv into /usr/aw/COM/etc.
3. Start the license server by typing the following in Terminal. (You may be prompted for your password).

Sudo stroika/licensing/osx/bin/kolektiv_flexlm start.
4. To confirm the server has started, type the following in Terminal:
Sudo /usr/aw/COM/bin/lmstat -c /var/flexlm/kolektiv_server, lic.
5. If the server has started successfully, you should se output that contains the line License server UP (MASTER) v9.5.
6. Load Stroika to se if the licensing setup has worked.

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