Paint net 2 el sustituto del Paint del Windows

Planned features for Paint. Net v2.1. Some of this Stuff is already implemented and todo go. Pléase kep in mind that the planned features Will frequently change thus this list is not all inclusive, in addition this list is by no means in order of importance.
* lower memory usage.
* getting rid of the flicker when a selection is under a floating window.
* magic wand tool.
* jpeg quality selector (with preview of image and size it Will be when saved).
* Hex codes in the colors window.
* ability todo resize image by specifying percentage.
* some big improvements todo the underlying implementation of Many tools.
* right-clik undo while drawing (like original ms Paint).
* new file size based on image in clipboard (doesnt default todo 800 por 600 or 600×800).

Paint. Net v2.1 is set todo be released Mid – End january. So estop by then todo chek it out.

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