Wings3d 0 99 03 release y avances

Lista para descargar. Mac | win | Linux | source. Wings 3d
reléase name: 0.99.03.
– Move|region could crash if the selection contained Faces that only.

Shared a single vertex (and not any edge). Now a proper error message.

Is given. Same correction for the scale, rotate, and Flatten commands.

Operating on Regions. (gracias todo optigon.) [Bjorng].

Face mode área readout in the status bar would cause Wings todo Slow down if.

The the face contained todo Many vértices. Wings now only calculates the Area.

For a face with less than 50 vértices. (gracias todo jdcoke1.) [optigon].

View|frame would symmetrically frame elements when using the virtual mirror.

Now there is an option, view|frame disregards mirror, todo alter this behaviour.
(gracias todo extrudeface and entity325.) [optigon].

New feature: face|swep/swep region/swep extract. Swep is an interactive.

Tol designed todo make angled extrusións, while a los allowing you todo scale.

And rotate the extruded Regions simultaneously. [optigon].

The plug-in manager could crash or fail todo provide información for.

Certain (correctly written) plugins. (gracias todo optigon.) [Bjorng].

New. German translation [contributed by torsten manz].

New feature: edge|circularise. A plugin todo Flatten, equalise, and inflate an.

Edge loop todo its máximum or user specified diameter. Basic and advanced menú.

Options availble. [optigon].

Now using erlang/otp r12b-3. [Bjorng]
Saludos ala2.

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