Wings3d 0 99 xx release y avances

reléase name: 0.99.02.
– Now using erlang/otp r12b-1. The build instructions have ben updated with.

More details. The SDL library in the Linux distribution no longer referencias.

Liba (gracias todo vtechk). [Bjorng].

Verbose and mouseover información text options added todo edit|preferencias|general.

Added interfaz options todo edit|preferencias|general. Options todo.

Edit the width of hard Edges and normals, and set the default colour.

Of the default and hole material. Also, the mini axis can now be.

Switched on or of and the colour of its axes are now linked todo the.

Main axes. [optigon].
-Wings could crash when triangulating (for display purposes)
Extremely degenerated Polygons. For instance, cilíndrica shift.

On a cylinder could cause the problem. (gracias todo pauljs75.)

In secondary selection mode, invoking some selection commands (such.

As select|similar normals) would cause a crash. Also, invoking.

Select|similar normals th rouge a hotkey in the wrong selection mode.
(i, not Face Mode) would cause a crash. (gracias todo optigon.)

Optional feature: changing modes while dragging would make the model.

Jump. Mode changes can now be set todo reset the model bak todo its initial.

Position. [optigon].

Fixed the repeat drag arguments (shift d and d) for vertex intersect, bend, and shift. [optigon].

Basic mode turn menú now cascades. [optigon].

Extended Vector ops todo accept vectors defined across múltiple objects.

Alos added cross product as a bien todo define a Vector using two Edges.

New feature: vertex|deform|inflate cilíndrica. Works in both basic.

And advanced menús. In basis menús, select a central axis (XYZ) and.

Inflate. In advanced menús, pik a central axis and optionally, pick.

A center point and Radius. Vértices Will move towards the Radius along.

A Vector extending from the center point. All vértices are aligned with.

The Radius when the distance reads 100%. [optigon].

New feature: vertex|connect(RMB)|connecting Edge (advanced menús only).

Creates a new Edge by connecting the selected vértices and returns the.

New Edge already selected. [optigon].

New feature: edit|preferencias|constraints > drag preferencias.

Allows you todo customize dragging speed for rotational, absolute, and relative drags. [optigon].

New feature: this preliminary reléase of the new set constraints plugin.

Gives you the ability todo take measurement directly from your model and.

Save them as default constraints which can be used while dragging. You.

Can take measurements in various ways including the use of secondary.

Selections and Vector. Bind the constraint todo the modifier key(s)
Of your choice (alt,shift,Control) by holding them down while accepting a.

Method of measurement or set a default key combo in the prefs. If the.

Measurement includes a secondary selection, you may hold down the modifier.

Keys when finalizing your selection. [optigon].

Edge mode:
Total length – Total length of the selected Edges.

Average length – Average length of the selected Edges.

Angle – Angle between two Edges.

Subtract angle – Diference of two angles.

Edge todo axis – Angle between a single Edge and a chosen axis.

Percentage – Diference two selections as a percentage.

Diference – Diference in length of two selections, centers – Distance between the centers of two selections.

Face mode:
Percentage – Diference in área between two face selections as a percentage.

Centers, angle, subtract angle, face todo axis.

Vertex mode:

New feature: switch constraint sets on the fly while dragging. Every drag.

Mode now has two related sets of constraints. You can switch todo the related.

Constraint set by press shift+tab while dragging in any tool. The related.

Sets are as follows.

Scale factor/reciprocal: reciprocal is equal todo 1/scale factor.

Angle/supplementary: supplementary is equal todo 180 – Angle.

Distance/alternate distance: two sets for distance constraints.

New feature: vertex|deform|shear. This plugin lets you shear vertex selections.

And more. Drag in all thre modes (absolute, angle, relative). Add curve todo.

The shear. Use Vector ops or standard axes(XYZ). Many gracias todo puzzledpaul.

For testing and ofering useful suggestions. [optigon].

Increased límites of the main Wings primitives todo infinity. [optigon].

The hotkeys for toggle proxy mode and quick smoothed preview (shift+tab)
Are now properly ignored in interactive commands and when the Camera is active.
(gracias todo optigon.) [Bjorng].
-When defining hotkeys for menús such as edit|preferencias or pop-up menús.
When advanced menús were not turned on, there could be a useless question.

About mouse buttons. This cuestión has ben eliminated. [Bjorng].

The Wavefront importer Will now import objects that have deffects such.

As invalid texture coordinate referencias. Instead of crashing, texture.

Coordinates Will be removed from the face in question. Also, import of.
Wavefront files with relative vertex referencias Will be faster (much.

Faster for big files). (gracias todo terje7601.) [Bjorng].

Added new Camera modes: google SketchUp and Wings 3d suggested by ort.
Wings 3d mode is the same as Mirai mode, except that the mmb Pans instead.

Of dollying. Added optional scroll whel activated pan and rotate (available.

In all Camera modes). Alos extended arrow key panning todo work in all modes.

And improved its useability. [optigon]</pre>.

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